Tuesday, February 23, 2016

One project completed

Even though we are hooked up to electric I still keep an eye on my solar output. All you people with a solar system know what I mean. I have been getting half the amp charge that I should be getting and that's not good. So with me finally suppose to be able to do the normal things now according to the cardiologist I needed to check it all out.
 Sunday I climbed unto the top of the motorhome to see if I could spot any reason for the lack of power from the solar panels.  What I found was the panels were covered with a thick layer of pollen dust that had stuck on real good. You would think with the hard rain we had a few weeks ago that it would have washed them off, but instead it just made a thin paste that hung on.
 After getting the window cleaner and paper towels giving a good cleaning it was back off to check.  Sure enough that did the trick I had back the amps that they are suppose to produce.
Yesterday I tackled a project that I have had for some time and that was the converter in the motorhome. I thought the converter had a switch on it but it does not and it just plugs into the power.
The problem with that is it is plugged into a breaker with half of the circuits to the receptacles and that not good .
It was time to do some rewiring and have a switch for the converter only and that was completed.
I've also got a few projects in mind to make life a little easier while we are on the road.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

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