Wednesday, January 27, 2016


It was a nice day yesterday with the sun out and the temp in the low 70's we wanted to get out.
we had heard that the Manatee were in at the Tampa Electric Viewing Center with reports of as many as three hundred spotted.
We didn't think they were that many, but it could have been at least half that many.
What made it fun to watch them was they were very active.

There were quite a few small Manatee that never left their mothers side. We watched the small ones and they were always touching they mother as she swam around.
We are glad that we went down to see the Manatee because Sherry was wanting to see them and this was a good chance to see this many in one group. Also Nancy and I like to see them.
Sherry and I had a good time and our cameras were clicking away.  Not only our cameras but of the many people that were there taking photos and videos.

We stopped and had dinner at Applebee's before coming home.  Even though we were tired by the time we got home we enjoyed our day.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

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