Saturday, August 03, 2013

Unpleasant task

Yesterday I had plans to do a few things around the motorhome,but that didn't happened when something else had to be taken care of first. I won't go into details of what it was. All I will say that it happens to us rver's sometimes and it is a real messy and not so pleasant to take care of.  It took most of the day and is clear now.
We saw this young deer as we were coming back into the park the other day. It would not turn around for me to get a better photo.

There are a few morning glory flowers growning in the park which look nice.
 go down and see if they have anything that I can't do with
There is a church yard sale going on today a couple of miles down the road so I may go down and see if they have anything that I can't do without.  Most of the yard sales I go to I leave empty handed. But who knows I may find that million dollar treasure?

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

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